The key to running a great school is in the constant imagination and reinvestment of its leaders. As you continue to uncover better ways to serve your students, we’re standing by to help you achieve your goals and maintain the highest standards for educational excellence.
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Programs & Services
The Charter Center’s Certification Unit provides in-depth technical assistance to ensure that your school complies with all New York State and Federal teacher certification regulations.
Did you know that New York City charter schools are subject to the requirements of New York State's Open Meetings Law (OML)? The OML is based on a presumption of access that provides the public with the right to know in advance about meetings of public bodies and then to observe the meetings and deliberations. It applies explicitly to charter schools under the Charter Schools Act of 1998.
These resources focus entirely on the hiring of instructional staff. Topics covered include teacher certification, recruitment strategies, establishing competency criteria, and developing indicators.
The Charter Center’s Vendor List is one of the many ways in which we help schools share resources with one another. Last year alone, there were 11,000 hits on over 300 businesses recommended by NY charter schools. We’d like to remind you that all vendors on the list have not only worked with a charter school, but have also received a written recommendation from one or more charters.