It's about great public schools.

Get The Facts

2020-21 Charter Stats

267 charter schools are serving 135,902 students in all five boroughs.

Charter Demand

Nearly 52,700 children are on charter school wait lists.

Student Proficiency

Charters significantly outperform the district in both ELA and math.

Charter Cap Status

The arbitrary cap on the number of charter schools that can open in New York continues to prohibit growth.

Accountability + Oversight

Charters are authorized for 3-5 year terms and can be closed for under-performing.

Enrollment Process

Charter schools admit students through random lotteries.

Multilingual Learners

ELLs in charter schools score proficient in Math and ELA at higher rates than citywide averages.

Students with Disabilities

Charter schools are more likely to declassify students with IEPs than traditional district schools.

NYC Charter Teacher Snapshot

New York City’s charter school workforce continues to grow. This year, there are an estimated 10,500 classroom teachers serving an estimated 129,000 charter school students.